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Where can I pay with Dash?

Pay with Dash at any retailer that accepts Dash, FavePay or PayNow payments, or Visa contactless payments. You can also dash around islandwide on buses, trains and taxis. To pay with your phone on buses and trains, you will need a NFC-enabled phone for Android devices or add your Dash Visa Virtual Card to your Apple wallet.

How do I view the transaction history on my Singtel Dash app?

To view your transaction history, select ‘History’ on your Singtel Dash app.

How do I enable pinless payments?

To authorise Payment without PIN for amounts below $100

  • Select ‘Account’
  • Select ‘Dash Wallet’
  • Turn on 'Allow QR Code Payment without PIN'
  • Set chosen payment amount If you have chosen to receive e-mail receipts, an e-mail confirmation of payment will be sent to your e-mail of choice.

  • What are “pinless” payments?

    Payment without PIN allows you to make payments quickly from your Singtel Dash app for amounts below $100 without having to enter your PIN. Payment without PIN is available for both Android and iPhones.

    How do I receive Dash promotions which are at nearby Dash merchants?

    Occasionally, Dash uses geolocation capabilities to alert you of promotions at nearby Dash merchants. This nonetheless requires you to enable GPS location services in your phone, as well as enabling:

    Account-> Use of Personal data->For Dash and Dash’s Preferred Partners to turn on: “I consent to Dash sharing my personal information with preferred partners for better targeting and customization of Dash and Dash’s preferred partners’ promotions.”, and “In-App Notifications” to Yes

    If you have just enabled these settings, changes will be effective within 21 days.

    When there is a location based campaign at selected Dash merchants, you would receive a push notification if you are near these merchants, which you can open the notifications to view details of the promotion.

    Correspondingly, if you would prefer not to receive Dash promotions at nearby Dash merchants, please disable either of the above settings. Such changes will be effective within 21 days.

    Can I pay at FairPrice, Cheers or Unity using the Dash app’s QR payment function?

    From 1 July 2023, Dash QR payments will not be accepted at FairPrice, Cheers or Unity stores. Please switch to contactless payments via your Dash Visa Virtual Card for continued seamless payments.

    What is Dash Visa Virtual Account?

    The Dash Visa Virtual Account gives you a unique 16-digit card number and security code, that allows you to make online purchases at local e-commerce stores with Visa. With a compatible Android NFC-enabled phone equipped with Google Mobile Services or iOS device, you will also be able to make payments at Visa Contactless accepted retailers in Singapore.

    How do I use Dash to make payment for e-commerce stores?

    To make payment for local e-commerce stores, simply login to your Singtel Dash app, tap on the Dash Visa Virtual Card to retrieve your unique 16 digit account number, expiry date and security code. You can key in these details into the payment details on the e-commerce stores just like a credit/debit card payment.

    How do I use Dash to make payment for Visa Contactless retailers?

    Only iPhones that are Apple Pay enabled, or compatible NFC-enabled Android mobile phones will be able make to make payments at retailers accepting Visa Contactless payments. Currently Xiaomi, OnePlus, OPPO mobile devices and Huawei phone models not equipped with Google Mobile Services are not supported. To verify if your phone is compatible, please contact us at 1800-GET-DASH (1800-438-3274). To make payment, simply let cashier know that you would like to pay via Visa Contactless. For Android mobile phones, if you have chosen Singtel Dash as the default Tap and Pay service in your phone NFC settings, simply unlock your phone and tap on the Visa Contactless terminal while your screen is ON. If Singtel Dash is not your default Tap and Pay service, you need to launch Singtel Dash and Tap on the Visa Contactless terminal while your screen is ON. For iPhones, add your Dash Visa Virtual Account to your Apple Pay wallet and tap to pay.

    Do I have to get a physical card to pay by Dash Visa?

    No, the Dash Visa Virtual Account is accessed through the Singtel Dash app. You do not need to carry a physical card as the details are within the Singtel Dash app in your mobile phone.

    Are there any annual fees or finance charges for my Dash Visa Virtual Account?

    There are no annual fees or finance charges for the Dash Visa Virtual Account.

    Why does my transaction reflect "pending"? Does it mean my transaction did not go through?

    This is a normal payment process. When your transaction is performed and approved, your Dash balance will be deducted with the transaction amount and your transaction will show "pending" until the merchant processes and completes the transaction backend. This will usually take 3 to 4 days (maximum 14 days) after your purchase, until it has been processed.

    I didn't make any transaction today but my Transaction History shows a new transaction on my Dash account.

    In some cases, when the merchant confirms the payment a few days after your transaction, the amount of the transaction can be adjusted to reflect the actual amount. This happens when some items of your total order are not available, and the final amount will be lesser than your amount paid. Your transaction history will show the previous transaction as "Cancelled" and a new transaction will be shown with the final amount. The difference will be debited or credited automatically to your Dash balance.

    Why is the transaction amount deducted in SGD from my balance different from the SGD amount displayed on merchant website?

    Visa applies a processing fee for foreign or overseas transactions. Hence, an additional processing fee will be included and deducted in SGD from your Dash balance.

    Why does the transaction amount change a few days after my transaction is made?

    In some cases, when the merchant confirms the payment a few days after your transaction, the amount of the transaction can be adjusted to reflect the actual amount. This happens when some items of your total order are not available, and the final amount will be lesser than your amount paid. Your transaction history will show the previous transaction as "Cancelled" and a new transaction will be shown with the final amount. The difference will be debited or credited automatically to your Dash balance. For overseas payments, the foreign exchange rate provided by Visa may change between the day you made the transaction and the day the merchant completed it. Thus, transactions with foreign currency might be more subject to amount changes.

    Do I need to activate my Dash Visa Virtual Account for overseas transactions?

    No, you do not need to activate your Dash Visa Virtual Account for overseas transactions. You can use it instantly!

    What are the fees involved for overseas transactions?

    For overseas transactions, processing fees of 2.8% of the transaction value is applied.

    When I tap my phone on the Visa Contactless terminal, nothing happens or Dash App shows a red cross even after trying several times.

    Ensure that your NFC setting is turned ON. Check that your Visa Contactless service is ACTIVE by going to Settings / Update Preferences/Dash Visa Account/Status. Launch your Singtel Dash App and ensure your screen is ON when you tap on the Contactless terminal. If the previous steps didn’t work, uninstall then reinstall your Singtel Dash App.

    Please also note that the Visa Virtual Card is unavailable from 2 November 2022 (from version 6.0.0) on Huawei devices not equipped with Google Mobile Services.

    I am unable to use my Dash Visa Virtual Card at selected merchants. Why is that so?

    You may have insufficient wallet balance or the merchant may not be supported on the Visa network.

    Will I be billed for the purchases made via Visa?

    Your Dash Visa Virtual Account is a virtual prepaid account. All payments will be deducted from your Dash balance immediately. You will be required to have sufficient balance before making payments.

    What will happen if my Dash Visa transaction cannot be processed?

    If the transaction cannot be processed, no money will be deducted from your Dash wallet.

    Can I make payments for overseas merchants?

    Yes, Dash now supports overseas transactions. With your Dash Visa Virtual Account, you can make Visa payWave transactions overseas or online purchases from overseas websites. The amount in foreign currency will be automatically converted to SGD and deducted from your balance. Please note that additional processing fees apply for transactions made at overseas merchants and will be included in the final amount deducted from Dash balance.

    Is there any other added security when I make payments?

    To prevent unauthorised transactions when making payments online, a one-time-password (OTP) may be sent to your registered Dash mobile number during an e-commerce transaction. The OTP has to be entered for verification within 3 minutes of its receipt, significantly reducing the risk of fraudulent use of your Dash Visa Virtual Account. Each OTP will expire after 3 minutes and is limited to one time use. After each payment you will receive a notification including your merchant name and the amount of the transaction to confirm your successful transaction. Please ensure that notifications are allowed for Singtel Dash in your Android OS settings. For more security, customer can disable payWave PINless mode in Dash Visa account settings. When PINless mode is disabled, you need to click on your Visa card to enter your PIN before payment on the payWave terminal.

    There is an error for my payments by the merchant, what should I do?

    Open your Singtel Dash app > History > Select the transaction with error > Need Help? Fill in the necessary details and we will be in touch with you to assist you on this.

    I haven’t made any purchase but my Dash Account has been debited.

    Some merchants, especially e-commerce merchants such as Paypal, Fave.com, perform a card verification transaction the first time you add your Dash Visa card. In most of the cases, this transaction ($1 or $2 amount) is cancelled few minutes later and the amount is credited back to your account. If not, it will appear as a Visa Card Credit Adjustment in the next 10 working days.

    What is a Visa Card Debit Adjustment?

    In some cases, after your payment is completed, the merchant may adjust the amount to a higher value, i.e if you added a tip to your receipt or if the shipment fees are higher than expected. The difference between the purchase amount and the adjusted amount will be debited from your Dash balance and will be visible in your Dash Transaction History under Visa Card Debit Adjustment.

    What is a Visa Card Credit Adjustment?

    When you cancel your transaction or ask for refund, after the merchant process your request, your refund will be visible in your Dash Transaction History under Visa Card Credit Adjustment. In some cases, after your payment is completed, the merchant may adjust the amount to a lower value, i.e if one of the items you ordered is not available. The difference between the purchase amount and the adjusted amount will be refunded to your Dash balance and will be visible in your Dash Transaction History under Visa Card Credit Adjustment.

    Will customer get notification for declined transactions?

    Yes, on both Dash App and Apple Wallet.

    I have made a transaction in a shop and on terminal it says 'Decline' but I have seen a tick mark with 'Done' message on my phone.

    The tick mark with "Done" means the Tap was successful, but the Dash system can decline the transaction based on other reasons: i.e unsufficient balance.

    Will I see transactions on my phone?

    Yes: 1- Through Dash App Transaction History 2- Through Apple Wallet Transactions Tab in Dash Card details

    Does unpairing an Apple Watch from iPhone remove the card on Apple Watch?


    Does removing a card from iPhone affect the card on Apple Watch when its paired to the same phone?

    No, cards on Apple Wallet and paired Apple Watch can be added and removed independently from each other.

    Can I resume the deleted cards if I find my lost device?

    No, deleted cards cannot be resumed. They need to be added again.

    What happens if my iPhone is lost/stolen?

    You can use iCloud settings menu to remove the Apple Pay cards on the lost/stolen iPhone, or contact Singtel Dash Customer Care who will suspend your Dash Card on the lost/stolen device.

    How many cards can I add to single device?

    Only one Dash card per Dash account for iPhone and another Dash card per Dash account for the paired Apple watch. Important Note: After adding your Dash Card to multiple devices, if meanwhile you log in with your Dash account on an Android device or a non-Apple Pay eligible iPhone, the previously added cards will not be usable anymore and you need to delete them and provision them again.

    On how many devices can I provision a card?

    100 devices including all iPhones and Apple Watches.

    How do I view the breakdown of my fares charges/ travel history?

    To view your transactions, please login to your SimplyGo account on the TransitLink SimplyGo Portal or download the TransitLink's SimplyGo mobile app and key in your 16-digit Transit Card Number which can be found under “Train/Bus” on your Singtel Dash app. Note: Transit Card Number is not your Dash Visa Virtual Account Number.

    Can I use my Dash Visa Account for transit if I have insufficient funds?

    You will not be able to use your Dash Visa Account for transit if you have insufficient funds or credit in your Dash account. You will encounter the following messages on the fare devices: Invalid card 20 (MRT) or Invalid Card (Bus).

    How to use Dash for Transit on iOS devices?

    You need to add your Dash Visa Account on your Apple Wallet or Apple Watch, then enable payment on your device before tapping on the transit fare reader.

    How would I be billed for transit payments using my Dash Visa Account?

    The transactions will be processed, accumulated and deducted from your Dash Visa Account. You can view the transactions in your history under “BUS/MRT”. If the final posted fare amount is different from the deducted fare, the previous deduction will be cancelled and the final deduction will be posted. To view the breakdown of the aggregated fares, please login to your SimplyGo account on the TransitLink SimplyGo Portal or TransitLink's SimplyGo mobile app.

    Where can i find out more about TransitLink Simply Go?

    For more information on TransitLink's Simply Go, visit here.

    Do users have a transaction limit on Dash?

    Dash has an annual transaction limit of up to S$100,000 (or equivalent in other currencies). This limit applies to all payments and remittance made with Dash, and does not apply to the following types of transactions:
    1. Incoming funds from top-ups, remittance or peer to peer transfer (P2P)
    2. Payments that do NOT go through the Dash wallet (e.g. Payment made to Etiqa for Dash EasyEarn through eNets)

    The annual limit resets yearly and will be reset on 1 January each year.

    The various transaction limits are listed in this table and broadly classified into three account categories:

    1) Non-verified account
    2) Verified Work Permit (WP) Holder account
    3) Verified non-WP Holder account

    Not Verified​ Verified & WP Holders Verified non-WP Holders
    Wallet Limit​ S$999 S$3,000 S$5,000
    Daily Limit (Spend)​ S$2,000 S$3,000 S$5,000
    Monthly Limit (Spend) S$2,000 S$10,000 S$15,000
    Daily Limit (Remit) Not applicable S$3,000 S$5,000
    Monthly Limit (Remit) Not applicable S$3,000 S$25,000
    Cash Withdrawal to Bank Not applicable S$3,000 S$5,000
    Annual Limits (Total Spend, Remit & CashOut) S$20,000 S$100,000 S$100,000

    Dash is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). To protect users and to minimise misuse, we are required to impose balance and transaction limits on Dash. To find out more about your current available transaction balance, you can call our customer hotline at 1800-438-3274 or fill in the enquiry form at dash.com.sg/contact.

    How do I pay with Singtel Dash?

    To make payment for local e-commerce stores, simply login to your Singtel Dash app, tap on the Dash Visa Virtual Card to retrieve your unique 16 digit account number, expiry date and security code. You can key in these details into the payment details on the e-commerce stores just like a credit/debit card payment.

    How do I pay with Dash on taxis?

    You may add your Dash Visa card to the ComfortDelGro app (Zig).

    How do I view the transaction history on my Dash app?

    To view your transaction history, select ‘History’ on your Dash app

    How do I pay to charity?

    Singtel Dash app makes it easy for you to contribute to charity. To pay to charity, select the + symbol and Charity button on your Singtel Dash app. Select one of the charities displayed to pay to. Enter the amount and tap on ‘Confirm’.

    How do I submit a Payment Guarantee request?

    To file a Payment Guarantee Request: Select ‘History’ Select relevant transaction Select ‘Need help’ and ‘Request Money Back’ Proceed to file your Payment Guarantee request

    What is Payment Guarantee?

    We have a 100% Payment Guarantee policy where you can receive up to $20 on your first transaction error made, no questions asked, provided the receipt is submitted. We are also committed to making it right for you when there has been a payment error. You can file your Payment Guarantee request from the Singtel Dash app.

    Is Payment Authorisation secure?

    An email notification will be sent for pinless purchases. Pinless payments can only be enabled by you and only after you have authenticated yourself with your pin/fingerprint.

    If I am not able to see Payment Authorisation in my app settings, what should I do?

    The Payment Authorization settings has been available in the Dash app since v3.2 (under Settings) as well as the latest version 4 of Singtel Dash app. If you couldn’t find this function, please contact us at 1800-GET-DASH (1800-438-3274).

    How do I enable Payment Authorisation?

    To authorise Payment without PIN for amounts below $100 Select ‘Settings’ Select ‘Update preferences’ Select ‘Payment authorisation’ to enable Payment without PIN Set chosen payment amount If you have chosen to receive e-mail receipts, an e-mail confirmation of payment will be sent to your e-mail of choice.

    What is Payment Authorisation?

    Payment without PIN allows you to make payments quickly from your Dash app for amounts below $100 without having to enter your PIN. Payment without PIN is available for both Android and iPhones.

    I was a little too excited about making a Dash payment; I paid accidentally before it reaches my turn. What should I do?

    Please confirm with the cashier that the amount paid was for a different transaction. The cashier will be able to void the transaction immediately or provide a refund for the amount paid depending on each business’ policy.

    I do not have sufficient balance in my Dash account to complete my payment to the business. What should I do?

    To top up immediately, you can do so via any bank account or via your Singtel postpaid mobile bill. If you would like to perform top-up only after your payment, simply pay with the remaining balance in your Singtel Dash app and request for the cashier to perform a bill split via other payment methods. To Top up via your Bank Account: Select Top Up Select Bank Account as the top up method Select Top Up amount Tap on Top Up DASH and be redirect to eNETS screen Select your Bank. You are advised to key in your email address in order to receive an electronic receipt for your transaction Click on Submit in the eNets screen to be redirect to your Internet Banking login screen Login to the internet banking site Upon completion of your eNets transaction, depending on the respective bank’s internet banking site, you might not be redirected back to Dash app. Neverthess, you can close the in-app browser on the top left corner of the app and be displayed with the successful top up receipt upon completion.

    Can I request for a partial refund from the business?

    A partial refund of the transaction amount via Dash is not possible. However each business may have its own policy on how to handle partial refunds and it would be advisable to ask the cashier.

    How do I know if my void transaction is successful?

    For any refund made directly to your Singtel Dash app, you will be notified if the transaction was completed or failed via your Singtel Dash app or an SMS notification. Upon refreshing your transactions history, you will also notice a “Void” label on the transaction.

    The business tried to void the Dash payment that I’ve made but I did not get any void transaction confirmation. What should I do?

    For any refund made directly to your Singtel Dash app, you will be notified if the transaction was completed or failed via your Singtel Dash app or an SMS notification. You may also refresh your transaction history to check for any amounts refunded. If the refund was unsuccessful, it may have been because your Dash account has exceeded the limit of $999. Do note that refunds can only be made directly to your Singtel Dash app on the same business day of your Dash payment.

    I’ve made payment but the cashier did not receive my payment. What should I do?

    Please check your transactions history on your Dash app as successful transactions will be listed. You can tap on your transaction to view your Transaction ID and inform the cashier. This Transaction ID can be used as a confirmation that the payment has been made. In the occasion that the cashier has requested for you to pay twice, you can also file for a Payment Guarantee request from your Dash app. To file a Payment Guarantee Request: Select ‘History’ Select relevant transaction Select ‘Need help’ and proceed to file your Payment Guarantee request.

    I changed my mind on my purchase but I’ve already made payment. How can I get a refund?

    You may request a refund from the business. However, whether a refund is possible is dependent on the merchant’s policy and refunds can only take place on the same business day of your Dash payment.

    I paid the wrong amount. What should I do?

    The business can void your transaction and provide a refund. Depending on their policy, your payment can be refunded via the Singtel Dash app or cash. Do note that refunds can only take place on the same business day of your Dash payment.

    I tried to make payment from the Singtel Dash app, but no nearby businesses were displayed. What should I do?

    To view the nearby businesses to make a payment, ensure that ‘Location services’ on your phone (GPS) is turned on. For Android devices, please ensure that your ‘Location’ settings are set to “High accuracy” mode. Alternatively, you can also enter the Dash counter code manually to make a payment or Tap and Pay.

    Is Dash Tap and Pay available for all mobile phones?

    Dash Tap and Pay is available for NFC-enabled phones. For iOS devices, you can add your Dash Visa Virtual Card to your Apple Wallet to pay.

    What is Tap and Pay?

    You can breeze through payments with Dash Tap and Pay for NFC-enabled phones. With Dash Tap and Pay, you can simply tap your phone against the Dash reader to pay. To pay with Tap and Pay:

  • Turn on NFC from your phone settings
  • Launch the Singtel DASH app
  • Inform cashier of Dash Payment
  • Tap and you are all sorted!

    Tap and Pay is better complemented with Payment Authorisation to enable payment without PIN for amounts below $100. To authorise Payment without PIN:
  • Select ‘Settings’
  • Select ‘Update preferences’
  • Select ‘Payment authorisation’ to enable Payment without PIN
  • Set chosen payment amount
  • If you have chosen to receive e-mail receipts, an e-mail confirmation of payment will be sent to your e-mail of choice.

  • Is there a limit to how much I can spend with Dash?

    Yes. Debit transactions (i.e. payments or remittance transactions that involve deducting funds from your Dash wallet) cannot exceed S$20,000 for a non-verified account and S$100,000 for a verified account in a year per customer. However, debit transactions that do not involve deducting the stored value in the Dash wallet do not count towards the annual cap.

    The taxi number did not appear in the taxi counter code list. What should I do?

    You may have loaded the pay taxi screen before the taxi driver submits the payment request. The taxi counter code list refreshes every few seconds and your taxi number it would automatically show in the list once the driver has initiated the payment from his terminal. Alternatively, you could key the taxi counter code to proceed.

    Can I access my Singtel Dash app overseas?

    Yes, you can login to the Singtel Dash app even if you’re overseas, as long as you have a stable and active internet connection. However, do check on your roaming data limit and charges.